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Download alpin racer

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Ski racers are encouraged to complete a warmup that includes movement preparation activities that promote the overall development of physical literacy.Ski racers should always strive to achieve 180 minutes of physical activity per day with 60 of those minutes spent completing some vigorous physical activity.Ski racers are encouraged to ski from the ski area opening day to closing day each season and participate in one to two short summer camps on-snow.In the winter months, ski racers should strive to attain as many days on snow as possible by participating in a structured ski club three days per week and skiing with parents as often as possible to increase mileage.Ski racers should participate in Snow Stars Levels 3 – 5 skill evaluations on a regular basis.During this stage, a ski racers coordination of movement becomes more consistent in a variety of environments both on and off-snow as they consolidate their fundamental skiing skills.

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Ski racers are introduced to deliberate practice and begin to develop their understanding of tactics and strategy in a formalized ski racing environment along with a continued emphasis on skiing skill development.Ski racers are still in the discovery stage while they continue to develop and consolidate their fundamental movement and skiing skills.At the end of the Learn to Train stage, participants may choose to progress towards becoming more competitive in the Train to Train stage. Competitions are inclusive, fun and skill based. Opportunities to participate in multiple types of events focused on skill development and retention is highly encouraged. Stage ends with start of adolescent growth period.The focus on this stage is not on individual results, it is on providing a wide variety of experiences that fit the individual athletes challenge zone to enhance athlete confidence and skiing skill acquisition. Create intrinsic motivation to become better ski racers through skill competitions. In this stage, skiers are becoming ski racers and working on consolidation of their foundational movement and technical skiing skills in structured and unstructured environments. Ski racers begin to understand the use of dynamic, athletic turns in the different training environments to gain or maintain speed.

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The primary focus in the learn to train stage is to develop solid technical skill execution in all situations and environments at varying speeds. Once a wide range of fundamental movement skills has been acquired, participants progress into the Learn to Train stage leading to understanding basic rules, tactics and strategy and refinement of ski racing specific skills.

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