The 15 project-based lessons show key step-by-step techniques for working in Photoshop, including how to correct, enhance, and distort digital images, create image composites, and prepare images for print and the web. If you already have a current Lightroom Classic Premium Membership, the updated eBooks are available for download in your Members Area.Creative professionals seeking the fastest, easiest, most comprehensive way to learn Adobe Photoshop choose Adobe Photoshop CC Classroom in a Book (2019 release) from Adobe Press.

The eBooks for Adobe Lightroom Classic – The Missing FAQ are already updated for these changes, and can be downloaded immediately after purchasing. You can also open the Creative Cloud app, click Update on the left, then click the … icon (top right) and Check for Updates to give it a nudge. The update servers take a while to push the updates around the world, to avoid overloading the servers. To update, go to Help menu > Updates or click the Update button in the CC app. If you find another bug, click here to learn how to report it to Adobe. Import sometimes fails to eject drives it considers removable (Mac only).Sony Hif Images reading image and writing metadata error.Edit In Full Screen creates inaccurate image position when pressing Keys.Shortcut for full screen returns to regular view when second screen is active.Applying flag in Crop mode when working on unflagged images causes the Develop window to go blank.Color Rating using Shortcuts in Full Screen Mode produces unexpected screen.(Red button) cancel out of Enhance Dialog causes ‘force quit’ state.Can’t install 12.3 on Windows 11 (ARM only).Edit in Photoshop window not coming to the front automatically.Multi-line keywords are possible, but break keywords csv export/import.Batch Enhance fails when invoked on a raw and its virtual copy.